We wanted to launch our new GLUTEN-FREE muffin on our website. It’s a DOUBLE chocolate banana muffin with 2 scoops of batter in each muffin! Now until the end of April, we will be donating a variety of flavored muffins to our San Diego Healthcare workers for every muffin that is purchased. Our first stop will be the UCSD Medical Center and we would like to hear from you on our Instagram of where to donate to next!

We want to thank our healthcare providers for working during this hard time.

Stay safe San Diego!

— The Split Bakehouse Team

Update as of May 8th, 2020:

  • 60+ Muffins to UCSD Jacobs Medical Center

  • 60+ Muffins and Scones to Sharp Grossmont Hospital

  • 75+ Muffins and Scones to Sharp Chula Vista

  • Variety Boxes donated to the housekeeping team keeping rooms clean for frontline workers at the Homewood Suites by Hilton Chula Vista Eastlake

hospital worker bringing split bakehouse muffins to jacob medical center san diego grossmont hospital essential covid workers